If you’ve been a user of Windows for any length of time, you are probably aware of the improvements and enhancements that Microsoft has continued to add with each new edition. Some versions had more problems than others, but any issues that surfaced were immediately addressed and corrected. There have been good reports and reviews for Windows 7. It looks like Windows 8 will be even more powerful. There are many techniques and features you can use with whatever version of Windows you have that will make using your computer easier and more efficient.
Some people prefer using their mouse, while others like to avoid it as much as possible. Whichever camp you fall into, it can be helpful to learn some keyboard shortcuts. The truth of the matter is, many folks haven’t learned the majority of uses they can put their keyboards to in order to work more efficiently. There are websites you can explore that can teach you hundreds of ways to use your keyboard that you can’t even imagine. Do you like to view your pictures full screen? Press the Windows key and the UP arrow key and your screen will be maximized. Reverse the procedure to minimize your view. Press the Windows key in conjunction with the DOWN arrow key. If you want to see a preview of the file you’ve selected, simply press Alt + P. You can use this to preview images of photos you have saved, as well as videos or text documents. This, of course, is just a small sampling of the keyboard shortcuts that are available.
One feature you should regularly run is the defragmentation tool. Because they don’t understand what defragmentation is, many computer users don’t use this useful tool. Other people just don’t want to mess with it. Defragmentation is easy and it can make Windows perform much better. Those of you who create a lot of files, or download a lot of stuff, really need to defrag regularly. Defragmentation allows your files to be reorganized in a way that makes them faster to find and conserves disk space. On each disk, you only have to go to Properties and select defragmentation. Defragmentation doesn’t take long unless you have a lot of files on your hard drive that haven’t been defragged lately. You can also automate defragmentation, so that your computer performs it on a regular schedule so you don’t have to think about it.
It’s not unusual for computer folks to quickly clutter the desktops on their PC a lot more than they junk up their actual desk. It isn’t long before you have so many programs and files littering your desktop that you have trouble locating the one you want. If it’s your custom to have several files and/or programs running simultaneously, the confusion can escalate
Windows 7 has a Shake feature that makes it much easier to keep track of what you’re doing. All you have to do is shake the Title Bar back and forth after you click on it. The other windows that you have open will show up minimized in your Task Bar. Another shortcut to do this is to press the Windows Key and the Home Key at the same time. Do you think this is silly? Well, try it and you will see that it’s better to not be distracted by a bunch of open windows.
There is no end to the types of tips and shortcuts that Windows offers you. Once you’ve started using them, you will want more. You probably don’t want to spend time learning these things just for the sake of it; it’s best to stick to the ones that are relevant to what you actually use your computer for. Do some research on the internet and you will find a lot more tips and shortcuts for using the Windows Operating System. We’ve just given you a taste of what’s available.
It doesn’t matter why you use a computer, there are lots of tips that you can find. It can become confusing and even overwhelming, because there is so much. Just because you don’t understand the inner workings of your computer, doesn’t mean you should ignore protecting it. Not every piece of software is out to damage your computer, so you don’t have to fear using everything. You will be happy to know, that learning the most important things about the safety of your computer will not be that hard to learn. Keeping your computer safe from disasters is your responsibility, and helping you with that, is the purpose of this article.
The most difficult problems are those that occur over a period of time, but, sometimes things happen almost suddenly such as a decrease in speed. Sites you visit are taking much longer to load and software programs respond much slower. What we want to mention in this scenario is speed performance is something you can see if your machine becomes infected with malware. If you have not been to any questionable sites, then just do a computer scan anyway with the program you have installed.
As you know, your hard drive must be backed up at regular intervals. If you have had your hard drive for a long time, then obviously you do not want to risk losing it. What you have to do is just read the information you can find on the net and ask questions, if possible. If you use your computer a lot and have various programs and ebooks, then you definitely want to do this. The very first time you back up will be the worst only because you have everything to transfer. You know the reason for doing this, and trust those who caution about the horrors of losing everything on their computer because the hard drive was not backed-up.
Hard disk drive fragmentation is the normal process that happens as you operate your computer.
The more your hard drive becomes fragmented, the more it will slow down in speed when it accesses the hard drive. Your PC will run faster after it is defragged, and you find that program under System Tools under the Accessories tab. You can buy these programs, too, but they do the same thing and have options for cool things.
While you have enjoyed reading the computer tips in this article, you should seek out more. But just be sure that you take action on all you learn. If you take the time to learn on your own, then you will be prepared just in case. Be proactive about taking good care of your computer, and that can prevent some headaches later on.